be advised (:
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: other | Posted On Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 5:23 PM
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
If you plant perseverance, you will reap victory.
If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony.
If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
If you plant openness, you will reap intimacy.
If you plant patience, you will reap improvements.
If you plant faith, you will reap miracles.
But If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust.
If you plant selfishness, you will reap loneliness.
If you plant pride, you will reap destruction.
If you plant envy, you will reap trouble.
If you plant laziness, you will reap stagnation.
If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation.
If you plant greed, you will reap loss.
If you plant gossip, you will reap enemies.
If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles.
If you plant sin, you will reap guilt.
So be careful what you plant now,
It will determine what you will reap tomorrow,
The seeds you now scatter, Will make life worse or better,
your life or the ones who will comeafter.
Yes, someday, you will enjoy the fruits, or you will pay for the choices you plant today.
salam perantauan.
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: myself, other | Posted On Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 5:54 AM
Aku bersabar tahap gaban bila duduk rumah, internet dengan kelajuan maksima 70kb/s sangat menganjing iman, walhal yang dibayar sama sahaja seperti yang di kota. Mungkin ini agenda Freemason untuk membuatkan orang kampung tak amik port sangat dengan video The Arrival dekat Youtube, wallahua'lam.
saat kematian
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: ilmu, islam | Posted On Monday, September 27, 2010 at 9:40 PM
- Wahai anak Adam, engkaukah yang meninggalkan dunia atau dunia yang meninggalkanmu?
- Wahai anak Adam, engkaukah yang merengkuh dunia, atau dunia yang merengkuhmu?
- Wahai anak Adam, engkaukah yang mematikan dunia, atau dunia yang mematikanmu?
- Wahai anak Adam, di manakan tubuhmu yang kuat itu, mengapa kini engkau tidak berdaya?
- Wahai anak Adam, di manakah lisanmu yang lantang dulu, mengapa kini engkau terdiam?
- Wahai anak Adam, di manakah orang-orang yang dulu mengasihimu, mengapa kini mereka membiarkanmu tergeletak sendirian tanpa daya ?
- Wahai anak Adam, bersiaplah! Engkau akan pergi jauh dari sini tanpa membawa bekal!
- Wahai anak Adam, tinggalkan rumahmu dan jangan berharap dapat kembali!
- Wahai anak Adam, naikilah tandu itu untuk yang terakhir kalinya!
- Wahai anak Adam, berbahagialah jika engkau termasuk orang-orang yang bertobat
- Wahai anak Adam, berbahagialah apabila selama didunia engkau selalu taat pada perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya!
- Wahai anak Adam, berbahagialah jika yang menjadi teman abadimu di alam kubur nanti adalah ridha Allah, akan tetapi celakalah enagkau apabila teman abadimu adalah murka Allah!
- Wahai anak Adam, semua perbuatan yang telah engkau lakukan akan engkau lihat kembali.
- Wahai anak Adam, apabila selama ini engkau tenggelam dalam amal soleh, maka bergembiralah.
- Wahai anak Adam, apabila selama ini engkau tenggelam dalam kemaksiatan menuruti hawa nafsu, maka sambutlah penderitaan pedih sebagai akibat dari keenggananmu menjauhi larangan-Nya!
- Wahai anak Adam, kedamaian apakah yang engkau bawa untuk menempati rumah cacing ini?
- Wahai anak Adam, cahaya apakah yang engkau bawa untuk menerangi rumah yang gelap ini?
- Wahai anak Adam, siapakah yang akan menemanimu di dalam penantian panjang ini?
- Wahai anak Adam, ketika berada di punggungku engkau kerap bergelak tawa. Kini setelah berada di perutku apakah engkau masih akan tertawa atau menangis menyesali diri?
- Wahai anak Adam, ketika berada di punggungku engkau kerap bergembira ria, kini setelah berada di perutku apakah kegembiraan itu masuh tersisa atau akan menenggelamkanmu dalam duka nestapa?
- Wahai anak Adam, ketika berada di punggungku engkau pintar bersilat lidah, akankah engkau tetap bernyanyi atau diam seribu bahasa bergelut dengan penyesalan?
cerita rambut
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: other | Posted On Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 8:12 AM
Rambut, dalam banyak-banyak isu merupakan benda paling aku amik berat dalam hidup. Tak tahu kenapa, tp pantanglah orang nak tegur. Kalau nak tegur sebab rajin malas, dosa pahala, halal haram, itu aku tak heran. Sebab pada aku, berambut panjang (baca : kemas ) tidak pernah mengubah tinggi rendah saham bskl, apatah lagi turun naik harga minyak dunia.
Double Your Internet Browsing Speed on Firefox
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: other | Posted On Monday, September 20, 2010 at 6:11 AM
All deeds of the seed of Adam
are for him but one
Oh Lord of this blessed month
we praise you for Ramadhan
and for the kitab You revealed therein
to guide us to the light
Ya Rabb, give us the imaan
to stand in prayer that mighty night
let our siyam benefit us more
than mere hunger and unquenched thirst
and by Your Grace, the ayaat of Qur'an
each day we shall rehearse
may we be restrained from the evil deeds
and from evil in what we say
may we know and understand
and implement the Prophet's way
what joy was there when believers saw
the hilal, the crescent moon
may we all emerge from this month, insha'Allah
[al-Baqarah 2:185]
improve yourself
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: other | Posted On Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 5:47 PM
If you try anything, if you try to understand people, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again.
In life, we do things. Some we wish we had never done and some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. Nevertheless, they make us who we are and in the end, they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn’t be at the exact place that we are today. So just live, make mistakes and learn from them, and never second guess who you are, where you have been, and where you are going.
You may judge me as you will...
I'm trying to be as simple as I could...
I'm trying to be as cool as I could...
I'm trying to be as warm as I could...
I'm trying to be as lovable as I could,..
I'll try everything...
I'm maybe hard to pleased...
I'm maybe hot tempered...
I'm maybe cold hearted...
I'm maybe hateful...
Do not get influenced with the poker face of mine...
I'm a follower...
I'm just a humble slave to ALLAH...
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: other | Posted On Friday, July 23, 2010 at 6:56 PM
Daripada Abu Umamah drpd Rasulullah : " Siapa yg memaafkan ketika mampu dan berkuasa nescaya Allah ampunkannya pada hari kesukaran [hari kiamat]"
Hadis Riwayat At-Thabrani.
Sebab kita manusia tidak pernah lepas dari buat salah dan silap. semua orang sama dari sudut itu, but how we adapt our mistake and learn not to repeat it again is different, far different.
Have you ever made a mistake? Of course you have. We all have! If you were the only one affected by the mistake, you might just consider yourself foolish. If it caused harm or inconvenience to another person, you might choose to apologize. If someone caused you harm, you might decide to forgive them. In either situation, you need to make one last choice--to forgive yourself or not.
For me, it is more than difficult to forget things and move on, as if nothing has happened, no matter how important it is to do the same. However, holding feelings of resentment can affect your peace of mind and ruin your happiness. Therefore, you can’t afford to let the anger remain within you. Pardoning others and putting a hurtful incident off your mind needs to be worked upon, since it doesn’t come easy.
5 Ways to Forgive & Forget :
Forget What Happened
Hostility and bitterness survives in people who find it difficult to forget the past. Moving on in life is the key to forgetting the hurt caused to you, by other people. Stacking up hard feelings for someone who has hurt you will not allow you to bury the hatchet and you will constantly find yourself dwelling on something that cannot be changed now. Live in the present, look forward to the future and bury the bad memories of the past.
Allow Others To Apologize
Sometimes, we are so infuriated and hurt over an incident that we do not allow the other person to buy time and come up with an apology when things cool down. Once you get a heart-felt apology from the person who has hurt you, it becomes easier to forgive him/her. Remind yourself that even you would have hurt others at one point of time, intentionally or unintentionally. Would you want others to hold that against you forever? Allowing others to apologize will save you from becoming bitter to them.
Communicate The Hurt
Rather than holding a grudge and allowing it to thrive, you should communicate your feelings to the one who has hurt you, especially if the person is close to you. Many people tend to keep things to themselves, and it makes them averse to communication. It is important to realize that conversation will allow the other person to offer an explanation for his/her hurtful behavior and help you overcome the same. Therefore, make sure that you do not shut down the lines of communication completely.
Realize That Everyone Is Human
Realize that it is only human to make mistakes and most of us don’t hurt others intentionally, for sadistic reasons. If you can accept this premise, forgiving and forgetting will become a lot more easier. While some people believe that revenge is the sweetest joy, it is important to remember that “the joy of revenge is only for a day, but the glory of forgiving remains forever”. The choice is yours!
Let Time Heal
There are times when the hurt is simply impossible to forget, even after you have forgiven the other person. While moving on is easier said than done, for all the comprehensible reasons, never forget that time is the biggest healer. Bitterness and bad memories pertaining to an incident will fade away with the passage of time. If forgetting a hurtful incident is impossible for you, leave the healing on time. Eventually, you will be able to put it out of your mind.
You'll be great if you can forgive people, and forget the mistakes. Trust me. Thats what this hadith want to encourage us :)
Sometimes you just have to smile,
pretend everything is okay.
Put on a fake smile,
so that everything seems fine.
Yes, i can't heal it as easily as yesterday,
maybe i gonna need another kind of over-the-counter drugs.
Hmm, but i always hope that i will be strong enough to stay still.
and for this moment,
i always recall how strong ibu on her tough day.
This phrase from The Holy Al Quran ease everything,
"Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return"
insya Allah.
aku faham kenapa perlu menjauhi hemisfera yang satu,
bukan kerana aku takut,
yang sudah diukirkan sudah,
yang lepas jangan disurahkan kembali.
kerana aku pingin melupakan,
rasa jauh yang abadi.
kerana aku rindukan halaman,
yang lebih kekal bahagia.
hari-harinya dipenuhi kemelesetan,
berat dan susah,
hingga dia tidak sedar sekelilingnya,
melupakan siapa dan apa dan kenapa dan bila.
tidak banyak lagi hari yang dijanjikan oleh Mu,
aku sedar kalimat manusia sang ahli,
cuma doaku sama sehari-hari.
sebagaimana hari sebelumnya,
dan hari-hari sebelumnya,
lindungilah hatinya tuhanku,
kasihilah dirinya tuhanku,
rahmatilah penghidupannya tuhanku,
ampunilah salah silapnya,
pimpinlah dia dengan kasih sayang Mu yang Maha Luas.
untuk hari esok, dan selamanya.
Says he wants to see the light for once,
Well maybe if you try
It's so sad
Babe don't look so sad
I've got it wrong today
And if she doesn't go your way
Look up to blue skies and say hey
It's ok it's ok
happy 5th anniversary, my beloved 'young' hypertension
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: life | Posted On Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 6:50 PM
One of the things i enjoy most of life is telling people that i am sick.
The loads of trouble you get in when you know.
And it only took one second to make that decision.
You see, life has a way of specially caressing you into its surreptitious arms and when you feel comfortable, it crushed you and you turn into nothing but dust.
Love, life, death.
Three simple steps to the next life.
I heard a quote saying
"Where we are, where we live, what we do.
It isn't home yet.
We are on a bus going home."
So why are we so afraid to live life and die?
I am not okay,
yes i do skip classes this semester.
Should i show it off to you how much pressure inside me,
to make you realize the pain that i am surviving ?
Another quote i heard was something like,
"Death, it's peaceful easy,
much easier then living."
Don't you feel better already?
I don't know about all of you, but i'm sure as hell i'm ready to go home.
My close friend in SMSU C showed text message from his friend last couple of nights,
someone's dad had passed away because of High Blood Pressure.
Yes, just the same one as i had, with the right spelling,
all the time.
I understand, how bad this kind of hypertension in my head,
spinning like hell.
and I am not going to ease them with drugs,
as what i did for the past five years,
so deal with it. !
Don't get me wrong, i love my "temporary" life.
I am very happy.
But there is a "home sweet home"
Yes, "home sweet home"
insya Allah.
No one knows, my hard times with you,
its precious to spent my life with you,
happy anniversary, since 17th of July 2006 i heard of you,
at emergency ward, Kuala Kangsar District Hospital,
and i hope you'll ease yourself inside me.
insya Allah.
rasa nostalgik sesuatu yang fitrah,
terbit dari kerinduan yg cukup mendalam
hingga masih membekaskan kesan
walau musim laju beredar dan berjalan.
tapi nostalgik hanya sekadar lalu seketika,
jangan hingga membebankan pemilik jiwa,
jangan hingga memberatkan kaki-kaki dari melangkah kehadapan,
kerana kita perlu terus menongkah arus dalam perjalanan panjang
walau belum nampak kesudahan,
jangan hingga membebalkan otak-otak dari memerah
terus menerus dalam perjuangan,
walau belum nampak kejayaan.
jadikan bibit-bibit nostalgik sekadar melepas rasa,
rindu yang terpendam buat seketika,
selepas kau surahkannya,
genggam nostalgik di dalam lubuk hati,
atau kau hembuskan
bagai api yang membakar,
kerna rindu yang abadi datang dari sebuah epik yang mencapai kejayaan.
teruskan berjuang.
for HER Arrow goes forward only after pulling in to backward. Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward. Every human being will get happy only after facing the difficulties in their life path, so do not afraid to face your difficulties :)
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: about her | Posted On at 5:40 PM
“ In life, we do things. some we wish we had never done and some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. Nevertheless, they make us who we are and in the end, they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn’t be at the exact place that we are today. So just live, make mistakes and learn from them, and never second guess who you are, where you have been, and where you are going. ”
how to express.
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: about her | Posted On at 8:01 PM
semoga kutemukan jawaban
posted by anak posmen chemor | Labels: negaraku | Posted On at 6:38 PM
aku pulang terlambat waktu
ku akan menaklukkan malam
dengan jalan pikiranku
sampaikanlah pada bapakku
aku mencari jalan atas
semua keresahan-keresahan ini
kegelisahan manusia
retaplah malam yg dingin
tak pernah berhenti berjuang
pecahkan teka-teki malam
tak pernah berhenti berjuang
pecahkan teka-teki keadilan
berbagi waktu dengan alam
kau akan tahu siapa dirimu yg sebenarnya
hakikat manusia
akan aku telusuri
jalan yg setapak ini
semoga kutemukan jawaban